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Seminars and Global Learning Events

Tuesday Times Roundtable: Headliner
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I am grateful for all the events that the Global Medallion office set up. I especially appreciate that I had the opportunity to attend the Environmental Sustainability seminars. Growing up in Miami, I was always interested in marine biology and the environment around me. The environment in Miami in particular is so unique and beautiful, and these seminars brought a lot of  attention to concepts that I was less knowledgeable about than I initially thought. Through these seminars we learned about how climate change affects the environment in Florida and how badly the long-term effects could last if we don’t make an effort to protect it immediately. I was also interested to see the variety of ways I could help on an individual basis. From composting, to recycling, to adjusting my daily habits to make room for more environmentally sustainable habits, the seminars proved to be educational and inspirational to me and how I plan to actively work towards maintaining our environment and local ecosystem.


Before the elections, I attended the Tuesday Times Tables that was focused on educating students on the election process in Miami-Dade. A large portion of the event was also centered on registering students to vote before election day. Although I had already registered to vote by the time I attended the meeting, there were a myriad of resources that was brought to my attention through this event that I am extremely thankful for. Like many others, I voted by mail this year. Through the event, I learned that there was a voting resource for Miami-Dade residents that helped me and my family make informed voting decisions about local candidates that I otherwise couldn’t find online. Now more than ever, it’s important to exercise our rights as voting citizens and I’m so glad that this event introduced me to so many useful and important voting resources.

Tuesday Times Roundtable: Press
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